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ftu is a cross platform, Free and Open Source file sending program.

There are countless other file sending programs that maybe do a better job at sending files and directories, maybe they are faster, more intelligent or easier to use - it doesn`t matter, this one is mine, and I love it. It feels great when you use your own tools.

As for features:


From release (Pre-compiled)

  1. Proceed to releases page
  2. Choose a version/architecture you have and download an archive
  3. Unpack an archive
  4. If on GNU/Linux - run chmod +x install.sh && sudo ./install.sh

From source (Compile it yourself) (You need Go and git to be installed on your machine)

  1. git clone https://unbewohnte.su:3000/Unbewohnte/ftu.git
  2. cd into the folder
  3. If on GNU/Linux - run make && sudo make install or make && chmod +x install.sh && sudo ./install
    else - cd into src/ folder and simply run go build; after that you`re free to put the binary wherever you desire

Now you have ftu installed !


ftu -h - to print a usage message
ftu [FLAGS]
-p [uint] for port
-r [true|false] for recursive sending of a directory
-a [ip_address|domain_name] address to connect to (cannot be used with -s)
-d [path_to_directory] where the files will be downloaded to (cannot be used with -s)
-s [path_to_file|directory] to send it (cannot be used with -a)
-? [true|false] to turn on|off verbose output
-v print version text
-l print license


ftu -p 89898 -s /home/user/Downloads/someVideo.mp4 creates a node on a non-default port 89898 that will send "someVideo.mp4" to the other node that connects to you

ftu -p 7277 -a -d . creates a node that will connect to and download served file|directory to the working directory

ftu -p 7277 -a -d /home/user/Downloads/ creates a node that will connect to and download served file|directory to "/home/user/Downloads/"

ftu -s /home/user/homework creates a node that will send every file in the directory

ftu -r -s /home/user/homework/ creates a node that will send every file in the directory !RECUSRIVELY!


make test or in "src" directory go test ./...

ftu in action (v2.2.0)

Known bugs

Bug Temporary solution
Freezes on one of the ends when dealing with big amounts of files
(encountered with a highly nested 17GB directory)
Run with -? on both receiver and sender
Printing invalid, not synched transfer info values when
encountered already existing file
No solution yet

Code is

[Categories:Programming,Utilities:] [Date:Sometime in 2021, January 2022, August 2022:]