1 changed files with 92 additions and 0 deletions
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import pyautogui as pg |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
from PIL import Image, ImageGrab |
import time |
#To get it work you need to have an image stored in the folder with this Python file |
# Enter the coordinates of the box, where your float will stay (poplavok = float btw) |
x1,y1 = 265,350 |
x2,y2 = 408,495 |
meanvalue = 4.8 #You need to know the optimal mean value to actually make it work |
def zakid(): |
pg.moveTo(x = 523,y = 445, duration = 0.5) |
pg.mouseDown() |
time.sleep(1) |
pg.mouseUp() |
x = int() |
while True: |
arrayEND = False |
time.sleep(3.5) |
zakid() |
time.sleep(1.5) |
print('zakinul') |
time.sleep(0.5) |
while arrayEND == False: |
poplavokplace = ImageGrab.grab((x1,y1,x2,y2)) #Takes a screenshot of the box where the float is |
poplavokplace.save('iii2.png', 'BMP') |
poplavok_place_image_original = cv2.imread('iii2.png') |
poplavok_place_array = np.array(poplavok_place_image_original) |
poplavok_canny = cv2.Canny(poplavok_place_array,90, 200) |
cv2.imwrite('canny.png', poplavok_canny) |
poplavok_place_array_mean = np.mean(poplavok_canny) |
time.sleep(0.3) |
print('mean = '+ str(poplavok_place_array_mean)) |
if poplavok_place_array_mean == 0: |
print('mean == 0, ending the programm') |
break |
if poplavok_place_array_mean >= float(meanvalue2) and poplavok_place_array_mean != 0: |
time.sleep(0.1) |
pg.click(clicks = 2) |
arrayEND = True |
print('array has been ended sucessfully (break)') |
break |
while arrayEND == True: |
time.sleep(0.3) |
catch = False |
window = ImageGrab.grab((837,532,1078,567)) |
locate = pg.locate('obrezka.png',window, confidence = 0.5) |
if locate == None: |
break |
if locate != None: |
x = locate[0] |
print('x = '+ str(x) + ' catch = True') |
catch = True |
while catch == True: |
window = ImageGrab.grab((837,532,1078,567)) #This is where the mini-game appear |
ggmme = pg.locate('obrezka.png',window, confidence = 0.5) |
if ggmme != None: |
x = ggmme[0] |
print('x = '+ str(x) + ' has been found') |
if 65 < int(x) < 170: |
pg.mouseDown() |
time.sleep(1.1) |
pg.mouseUp() |
time.sleep(0.1) |
if int(x) < 64: |
pg.mouseDown() |
time.sleep(2.5) |
pg.mouseUp() |
else: |
catch = False |
print('NONE') |
arrayEND = False |
print('minigame has been ended') |
time.sleep(1) |
pass |
Reference in new issue