import pynput,sys,random,time,pyautogui from pynput import mouse,keyboard import tkinter as tk def main(): mouse_c = mouse.Controller() keyboard_c = keyboard.Controller() def LOGIC(): global STARTED STARTED = False def GUI(): global BACK_CLR BACK_CLR = '#e3e1e8' global window window = tk.Tk() window.title('Clicker') window.geometry(("700x300")) window.minsize(700,320) window.maxsize(700,320) canvas = tk.Canvas(window,width = 700,height = 320, bg = BACK_CLR) canvas.pack() # global mouse_pos_label mouse_pos_label = tk.Label(window,text = mouse_c.position,font = 24,bg = BACK_CLR) mouse_pos_label.after(100,update_mouse_pos) = 400,y = 300, width = 100, height = 20) # global time_btwn_clcks time_btwn_clcks = tk.Scale(window, orient = "horizontal", resolution = -1,length = 10000, from_ = 0.05, to = 500 ,bg = BACK_CLR, font = 20, label = "Click interval (seconds)") = 5,y = 0,width = 200) # global start_bttn start_bttn = tk.Button(window,text = "Start", command = switch_to_stop,bg = BACK_CLR, font = 20) = 0, y = 270, width = 60, height = 50) # location_choose = tk.Label(window, text = "Mouse location", font = 20, bg = BACK_CLR) = 360,y =5, width = 160, height = 30) global location_x location_x_label = tk.Label(window, text = "X",bg = BACK_CLR) = 380, y = 40,height = 18) location_x = tk.Entry(window) = 395,y = 40, width = 50) global location_y location_y_label = tk.Label(window, text = "Y",bg = BACK_CLR) = 450, y = 40,height = 18) location_y = tk.Entry(window) = 465,y = 40, width = 50) # #pretender = tk.Checkbutton(window,text = "Pretend to be online",bg = BACK_CLR) = 350, y = 5) # window.mainloop() ### FUNC def update_mouse_pos(): mouse_pos_label.config(text = mouse_c.position) mouse_pos_label.after(100,update_mouse_pos) pass def switch_to_stop(): STARTED = True # start_bttn.destroy() global stop_bttn stop_bttn = tk.Button(window,text = "Stop", command = switch_to_start, bg = BACK_CLR, font = 20) = 0, y = 270, width = 60, height = 50) # time_btwn_clcks_value = float(time_btwn_clcks.get()) if location_x == '' and location_y == '': location_x_value = float(location_x.get()) location_y_value = float(location_y.get()) else: print("No values for mouse mos") print("Starded : ",STARTED) print("Got value from time_btwn_clcks : {} \n".format(time_btwn_clcks_value)) pass def switch_to_start(): STARTED = False stop_bttn.destroy() start_bttn = tk.Button(window,text = "Start", command = switch_to_stop,bg = BACK_CLR, font = 20) = 0, y = 270, width = 60, height = 50) print("Starded : ",STARTED) pass ### LOGIC() GUI() pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()