from authentication import TOKEN, reddit import discord from discord.ext import commands from functions import * client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '#') @client.event async def on_ready(): print('=======================================================') print(' READY ') print('=======================================================') await client.change_presence(activity = discord.Game('game')) #You can delete this ↑↑↑ line if you don`t want your bot to have an activity showing @client.command() async def parse_hot(ctx, subreddit , how_many = 5): await ctx.send('Okay, the subreddit is : r/{}; I`ll show you {} posts in hot'.format(str(subreddit), str(how_many))) url_opn_list.clear() try: reddit_parse_hot(reddit,str(subreddit),int(how_many)) for url in url_opn_list: await ctx.send(url) except Exception as error: await ctx.send('Error : '+ str(error)+ '\n') @client.command() async def parse_time(ctx, subreddit, how_many = 5): await ctx.send('Okay, the subreddit is : r/{}; I`ll show you {} posts based on time'.format(str(subreddit), str(how_many))) url_opn_list.clear() try: reddit_parse_time(reddit,str(subreddit),int(how_many)) for url in url_opn_list: await ctx.send(url) except Exception as error: await ctx.send('Error : '+ str(error)+ '\n') @client.command() async def check(ctx): await ctx.send(' ```css' +'\n'+ '[Online]' + '\n'+ '```') @client.command() async def random(ctx,how_many = 5): url_opn_list.clear() try: what_to_parse = random_subreddit(reddit,int(how_many))[1] await ctx.send('Aaaand... The subreddit is: r/{}. I`ll show you {} posts in hot'.format(str(what_to_parse),str(how_many))) for url in url_opn_list: await ctx.send(url) except Exception as error: await ctx.send('Error : '+ str(error)+ '\n')