1 changed files with 177 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
package main |
//go:generate goversioninfo -icon=icon.ico -manifest=goversioninfo.exe.manifest
import ( |
"fmt" |
"net/http" |
"io/ioutil" |
"bufio" |
"time" |
"sync" |
"os" |
"mvdan.cc/xurls" |
) |
var( |
wg sync.WaitGroup |
FromFile bool |
input string |
ManualURL string |
FileName string |
LINKS []string |
) |
func ExtractURLSFromFile(filename string) ([]string){ |
file, err := os.Open(filename) |
defer file.Close() |
if err != nil{ |
fmt.Println(err) |
} |
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) |
scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines) |
var URLS []string |
for scanner.Scan(){ |
URLS = append(URLS,scanner.Text()) |
} |
return URLS |
} |
func CheckIfcontainsString(ARRAY *[]string, str string) bool{ |
for _, i := range *ARRAY{ |
if i == str { return true } |
} |
return false |
} |
func FindURLS(URL string, LIST *[]string ){ |
if FromFile == true{ |
defer wg.Done() |
} |
resp,err := http.Get(URL) |
defer resp.Body.Close() |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println(err) |
wg.Done() |
} |
body,_ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) |
rxRelaxed := xurls.Strict() |
links := rxRelaxed.FindAllString(string(body),-1) |
var counter uint64 = 0 |
for _,link := range links{ |
if CheckIfcontainsString(LIST,link) != true{ |
*LIST = append(*LIST,link) |
counter++ |
} |
} |
if counter != 0{ |
fmt.Printf("Found %v unique link(s)\n",counter) |
} |
} |
func SaveStringArrayToFile(filename string, ARRAY *[]string){ |
f, err := os.Create(filename) |
defer f.Close() |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println(err) |
f.Close() |
} |
for _,data := range *ARRAY{ |
_,err := f.WriteString(data + "\n") |
if err != nil{ |
fmt.Println(err) |
} |
} |
} |
func main(){ |
fmt.Println( |
" _ _ _ \n", |
"| | (_) | | \n", |
"| | _ ____ | | _ ____ ____ \n", |
"| | | || _ \\ | | / ) / _ ) / ___) \n", |
"| |_____ | || | | || |< ( ( (/ / | | \n", |
"|_______)|_||_| |_||_| \\_) \\____)|_| \n\n") |
LinksPointer := &LINKS |
// input
fmt.Printf("Do you want to read URLs from file ? (y/n) : ") |
fmt.Scanln(&input) |
if input == "y" || input == "Y"{ |
FromFile = true |
}else if input == "n" || input == "N"{ |
FromFile = false |
}else{ |
FromFile = false |
fmt.Println("Invalid input. Not reading from file") |
} |
if FromFile == false{ //Serve without file
fmt.Println("Enter URL : ") |
fmt.Scanln(&ManualURL) |
t0 := time.Now() |
FindURLS(ManualURL,LinksPointer) |
fmt.Printf("\n\n%v links in total \n\n",len(LINKS)) |
if len(LINKS) != 0{ |
SaveStringArrayToFile("Output.txt",LinksPointer) |
fmt.Println("Saved as \"Output.txt\"") |
} |
t1 := time.Now() |
fmt.Printf("\nTook %v ",t1.Sub(t0)) |
}else if FromFile == true{ //Serve with a file
fmt.Println("Filename : ") |
fmt.Scanln(&FileName) |
URLS := ExtractURLSFromFile(FileName) |
t0 := time.Now() |
for _,link := range URLS{ |
wg.Add(1) |
go FindURLS(link,LinksPointer) |
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 250) // A reasonable time for server resting
} |
wg.Wait() |
fmt.Printf("\n\n%v links in total \n\n",len(LINKS)) |
if len(LINKS) != 0{ |
SaveStringArrayToFile("Output.txt",LinksPointer) |
fmt.Println("Saved as \"Output.txt\"") |
} |
t1 := time.Now() |
fmt.Printf("\nTook %v ",t1.Sub(t0)) |
} |
fmt.Scanln() |
} |
Reference in new issue