package settings
// the idea behind `Enabled` field is that if it`s not true - then
// we treat the path below as "" (blank string) , which workers will just ignore
// (therefore will not perform the replacement or retrievement)
type backgroundReplacement struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
ReplacementImagePath string `json:"pathToimage"`
type backgroundRetrievement struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
RetrievementPath string `json:"retrievementPath"`
type backgroundRemovement struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
type backgroundCreatement struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
Width uint `json:"width"`
Height uint `json:"height"`
// struct for json settings` file contents
type Settings struct {
OsuDir string `json:"pathToOsu"`
BackgroundReplacement backgroundReplacement `json:"backgroundReplacement"`
BackgroundRetrievement backgroundRetrievement `json:"backgroundRetrievement"`
BackgroundRemovement backgroundRemovement `json:"backgroundRemovement"`
CreateBlackBGImage backgroundCreatement `json:"blackBackgroundCreatement"`
Workers int `json:"workers"`