You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
203 lines
6.2 KiB
203 lines
6.2 KiB
import random |
#import sys |
import string |
from tkinter import * |
import tkinter.font as font |
# ########################################### |
digits = list(string.digits*10 + string.ascii_lowercase*10) |
uppercase = list(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase)*30 |
lowercase = list(string.ascii_lowercase)*30 |
punct = list(string.ascii_lowercase*10 + string.punctuation*5) |
upp_dig = list(string.digits*10 + string.ascii_lowercase*10 + string.ascii_uppercase*10) |
upp_dig_pun = list(string.digits*10 + string.ascii_lowercase*10 + string.ascii_uppercase*10 + string.punctuation*5) |
digits_pun = list(string.ascii_lowercase*10 + string.digits*10 + string.punctuation*5) |
upp_pun = list(string.ascii_lowercase*10 + string.ascii_uppercase*10 +string.punctuation*5) |
# ########################################### |
# GUI |
uppercase_status = False |
digits_status = False |
punct_status = False |
back = '#B9B9B9' |
def change_uppercase(): |
global uppercase_status |
if uppercase_status == False: |
uppercase_status = True |
else: |
uppercase_status = False |
pass |
def change_digits(): |
global digits_status |
if digits_status == False: |
digits_status = True |
else: |
digits_status = False |
pass |
def change_punct(): |
global punct_status |
if punct_status == False: |
punct_status = True |
else: |
punct_status = False |
pass |
def generate(): |
clear() |
########################## FUNCTIONS |
def simplegen(): |
global rand_simp |
rand_simp = random.sample(lowercase, length_value) |
return rand_simp |
def uppergen(): |
global rand_up |
rand_up = random.sample(uppercase, length_value) |
return rand_up |
def digigen(): |
global rand_dig |
rand_dig = random.sample(digits, length_value) |
return rand_dig |
def pungen(): |
global rand_pun |
rand_pun = random.sample(punct, length_value) |
return rand_pun |
def upper_dig(): |
global rand_up_dig |
rand_up_dig = random.sample(upp_dig, length_value) |
return rand_up_dig |
def upper_dig_pun(): |
global rand_up_dig_pun |
rand_up_dig_pun = random.sample(upp_dig_pun, length_value) |
return rand_up_dig_pun |
def dig_pun(): |
global rand_dig_pun |
rand_dig_pun = random.sample(digits_pun, length_value) |
return rand_dig_pun |
def upper_pun(): |
global rand_up_pun |
rand_up_pun = random.sample(upp_pun, length_value) |
return rand_up_pun |
########################## |
length_value = scale_length.get() |
if uppercase_status == False and digits_status == False and punct_status == False: |
simplegen() |
password_low = ''.join(rand_simp) |
maintext.insert('1.999999999', password_low) |
pass |
if uppercase_status == True and digits_status == False and punct_status == False: |
uppergen() |
password_up = ''.join(rand_up) |
maintext.insert('1.999999999', password_up) |
pass |
if uppercase_status == False and digits_status == True and punct_status == False: |
digigen() |
password_dig = ''.join(rand_dig) |
maintext.insert('1.999999999', password_dig) |
pass |
if uppercase_status == False and digits_status == False and punct_status == True: |
pungen() |
password_pun = ''.join(rand_pun) |
maintext.insert('1.999999999', password_pun) |
pass |
if uppercase_status == True and digits_status == True and punct_status == False: |
upper_dig() |
password_up_dig = ''.join(rand_up_dig) |
maintext.insert('1.999999999', password_up_dig) |
pass |
if uppercase_status == True and digits_status == True and punct_status == True: |
upper_dig_pun() |
password_up_dig_pun = ''.join(rand_up_dig_pun) |
maintext.insert('1.999999999', password_up_dig_pun) |
pass |
if uppercase_status == False and digits_status == True and punct_status == True: |
dig_pun() |
password_dig_pun = ''.join(rand_dig_pun) |
maintext.insert('1.999999999', password_dig_pun) |
pass |
if uppercase_status == True and digits_status == False and punct_status == True: |
upper_pun() |
password_up_pun = ''.join(rand_up_pun) |
maintext.insert('1.999999999', password_up_pun) |
pass |
pass |
def copy(): |
text_copy = str(maintext.get(1.0,END)) |
root.clipboard_clear() |
root.clipboard_append(text_copy) |
root.update() |
pass |
def clear(): |
maintext.delete('0.0', END) |
pass |
root = Tk() |
root.title('Password Generator') |
img = PhotoImage(file = 'icon.png') |
|'wm','iconphoto', root._w, img) |
root.geometry(("700x300")) |
root.minsize(700,300) |
root.maxsize(700,300) |
canvas = Canvas(root,width = 700,height = 300, bg = back) |
canvas.pack() |
maintext = Text(root, wrap = WORD) |
maintext_font = font.Font(size = 20) |
maintext['font'] = maintext_font |
| = 550, height = 140,x = 700-550-75-50,y = 150) |
check_for_uppercases = Checkbutton(root ,text = "Uppercase", bg = back) |
check_for_uppercases.config(command = change_uppercase) |
| = 46,x = 10, y = 5) |
check_for_digits = Checkbutton(root, text = "Digits", justify = "left", bg = back) |
check_for_digits.config(command = change_digits) |
| = 50,x = 10, y = 50) |
check_for_punct = Checkbutton(root, text = "Punctuation", bg = back) |
check_for_punct.config(command = change_punct) |
| = 50,x = 10, y = 95) |
generate_button = Button(root, text = "Generate", bg = back) |
generate_button.config(command = generate) |
| = 590, y = 150, width = 100) |
save_to_button = Button(root, text = "Copy", bg = back) |
save_to_button.config(command = copy) |
| = 590, y = 190, width = 100) |
clear_button = Button(root, text = 'Clear', bg = back) |
clear_button.config(command = clear) |
| = 590, y = 230 , width = 100) |
copyright = Label(root, text = '©Unbewohnte', bg = back) |
| = 590 ,y = 280) |
scale_length = Scale(root, orient = "horizontal", length = 200, from_ = 1, bg = back) |
| = 370,y = 0) |
label_length = Label(root, text = "The length :", bg = back) |
| = 270,y = 20) |
# ©Unbewohnte |