Command Line Interface "to DO" program
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

44 lines
1.3 KiB

# clido
## Command Line Interface to DO program
clido helps to track and keep "to do" notes on the disk.
## Compilation
Simply `make` or as simply compile .c files together
## Installation
If you're on Linux - `sudo make install` **or** `sudo ./` **or if not** simply move the binary to wherever you desire.
On Windows clido will look for a todo file in the current directory, on other platforms it will be /usr/local/share/clido (which is created and configured automatically via `make install` or ``)
## Usage
`clido [COMMAND]`
- `help -> Prints help message and exists`
- `version -> Prints version information and exits`
- `add [todo]... -> Writes a new TODO to a default TODO file`
- `show -> Outputs current TODOs`
- `show-done -> Outputs TODOs which were done previously`
- `done [index]... -> Marks specified TODO(s) as done`
- `todo-path [path] -> Specifies another path pointing to the todo file`
## Examples
- `clido add Do the cooking today` -> appends a new todo with given text to a todo file
- `clido show` -> prints current todos
- `clido done 0 1` -> marks todos with indexes 0 and 1 as done
- `clido show-done` -> prints todos which are done at this point
## License
![GPLv3]( "GPLv3 logo")