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34 lines
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#pragma once
#include "window.hpp"
#include "cloth.hpp"
#include <SDL2/SDL_render.h>
struct App_config {
const char* win_name;
Vec2 window_dimensions;
Vec2 cloth_startpos;
Vec2 cloth_dimensions;
unsigned int cloth_spacing;
Vec2f gravity;
RGB background_color;
RGB point_color;
RGB point_selected_color;
RGB connection_color;
struct App {
bool is_running;
bool paused;
App_config conf;
Window* window;
Cloth* cloth;
App* app_init(App_config conf);
void app_update(App* app);
void app_handle_input(App* app);
void app_render(App* app);
void destroy_app(App* app);
void toggle_pause(App* app);