Digital data transferring utility (PROJECT ABANDONED. CAN SEND ONLY TEXT)
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ddtu - digital data transferring utility
Copyright (C) 2022 Kasyanov Nikolay Alexeyevich (Unbewohnte)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
use crate::util::error::Error;
use crate::util::buf_read::{read_u128_slice, read_utf8_string_slice};
use crate::protocol::constants;
use crate::protocol::specs::*;
use crate::fsys::file::ChunkedFile;
pub struct TextPacket {
pub text: String,
impl TextPacket {
pub fn empty() -> TextPacket {
return TextPacket{
text: "".to_string(),
pub fn new(txt: &str) -> TextPacket {
return TextPacket {
text: txt.to_string(),
impl Packet for TextPacket {
fn get_type(&self) -> PacketType {
return PacketType::TextData;
fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut packet_as_bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::<u8>::new();
let text_length: u128 = self.text.len() as u128;
return packet_as_bytes;
fn from_bytes(&mut self, packet_bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Option<Error> {
if packet_bytes.len() < 18 {
return Some(
Error::new(format!("{} bytes is too small for a text packet to be valid", packet_bytes.len()).as_str()
// retrieve and check for packet type byte
match packet_bytes[0].to_be() {
constants::TEXT_PACKET_ID => {}
_ => {
return Some(Error::new("packet type is not of a text packet"));
// get text length
let text_length: u128 = read_u128_slice(&packet_bytes[1..17]);
if text_length as usize > packet_bytes[17..].len() {
return Some(
"text length ({}) is bigger than provided packet bytes length ({})",
// extract text
self.text = read_utf8_string_slice(&packet_bytes[17..]);
return None;
pub struct FileInfoPacket {
pub file_id: u128,
pub filename: String,
pub filesize: u128,
pub relative_path: String,
impl FileInfoPacket {
pub fn empty() -> FileInfoPacket {
return FileInfoPacket{
file_id: 0,
filename: String::new(),
filesize: 0,
relative_path: String::new(),
pub fn new(file: &ChunkedFile, file_id: u128, rel_path: String) -> Result<FileInfoPacket, Error> {
let mut new_fileinfo_packet: FileInfoPacket = FileInfoPacket::empty();
// id
new_fileinfo_packet.file_id = file_id;
match file.path.file_name() {
Some(filename) => {
match filename.to_owned().into_string() {
Ok(filename_string) => {
new_fileinfo_packet.filename = filename_string;
Err(filename_os_string) => {
return Err(
Error::new(format!("could not convert \'{:?}\' (OsString) to String", filename_os_string).as_str())
None => {
return Err(
Error::new(format!("could not get filename from \'{}\'", file.path.display()).as_str())
// size
new_fileinfo_packet.filesize = file.size;
// rel path
new_fileinfo_packet.relative_path = rel_path;
return Ok(new_fileinfo_packet);
impl Packet for FileInfoPacket {
fn get_type(&self) -> PacketType {
return PacketType::FileInfo;
fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut packet_as_bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::<u8>::new();
// file id
// filename
let filename_bytes_length: u128 = self.filename.len() as u128;
// filesize
// relative path
let relative_path_bytes_length: u128 = self.relative_path.len() as u128;
return packet_as_bytes;
fn from_bytes(&mut self, packet_bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Option<Error> {
if packet_bytes.len() < 16+16+16+16+1+1 {
return Some(
Error::new(format!("{} bytes is too small for a fileinfo packet to be valid", packet_bytes.len()).as_str()
// file id
self.file_id = read_u128_slice(&packet_bytes[0..16]);
// get filename
let filename_length: u128 = read_u128_slice(&packet_bytes[16..32]);
self.filename = read_utf8_string_slice(&packet_bytes[32..(filename_length+32) as usize]);
// filesize
self.filesize = read_u128_slice(&packet_bytes[(filename_length+32) as usize..(filename_length+32+16) as usize]);
// relative path
let rel_path_length: u128 = read_u128_slice(
&packet_bytes[(filename_length+32+16) as usize..(filename_length+32+16+16)as usize]
self.relative_path = read_utf8_string_slice(
&packet_bytes[(filename_length+32+16+16) as usize..(filename_length+32+16+16+rel_path_length) as usize]
return None;
pub struct FileDataPacket {
pub file_id: u128,
pub chunk_no: u128,
pub chunk: [u8; constants::CHUNK_SIZE],
impl FileDataPacket {
pub fn empty() -> FileDataPacket {
return FileDataPacket {
file_id: 0,
chunk_no: 0,
chunk: [0; constants::CHUNK_SIZE],
impl Packet for FileDataPacket {
fn get_type(&self) -> PacketType {
return PacketType::FileData;
fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut packet_bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::<u8>::new();
// file id
// chunk number
// chunk
return packet_bytes;
fn from_bytes(&mut self, packet_bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Option<Error> {
if packet_bytes.len() < 16+16+16+1 {
return Some(
Error::new(format!("{} bytes is too small for a fileinfo packet to be valid", packet_bytes.len()).as_str()
// file id
self.file_id = read_u128_slice(&packet_bytes[0..16]);
// chunk number
self.chunk_no = read_u128_slice(&packet_bytes[16..32]);
// chunk bytes
let chunk_length = read_u128_slice(&packet_bytes[32..48]);
for i in 48..(48+chunk_length) as usize {
self.chunk[i-48] = packet_bytes[i];
return None;
pub struct ConnectionShutdownPacket {}
impl Packet for ConnectionShutdownPacket {
fn get_type(&self) -> PacketType {
return PacketType::ConnectionShutdown;
fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
return vec!(constants::CONNECTION_SHUTDOWN_PACKET_ID.to_be_bytes()[0]);
fn from_bytes(&mut self, _packet_bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Option<Error> {
return None;