9 changed files with 421 additions and 277 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// This file contains global constants of the protocol
package protocol |
// How many bytes can contain one packet (header + body) at maximum
// (packets with size bigger than MAXPACKETSIZE are invalid and will not be sent)
const MAXPACKETSIZE uint = 1024 // the same problem as in the previous versions: if the packet is big enough - the conn.Read()
// will result in some sort of error where it does not read the intended amount of bytes (less, in fact),
// which is strange, but I guess that
// I just do something wrong in my code
// Character that delimits one and the other sides of the next incoming packet.
// ie: |packet_size_here|packet_here, where "|" is PACKETSIZEDELIMETER
const PACKETSIZEDELIMETER string = "|" |
// Character that delimits header of the packet from the body of the packet.
// ie: FILEINFO~img.png
const HEADERDELIMETER string = "~" |
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// This file describes various headers of the protocol and how to use them
package protocol |
type Header string |
// Headers
//// In the following below examples "|" is PACKETSIZEDELIMETER and "~" is HEADERDELIMETER
// This header is sent only by sender. The packet with this header
// must contain a name of the transported file in BODY.
// ie: |18|FILENAME~image.png
const HeaderFilename Header = "FILENAME" |
// This header is sent only by sender. The packet with this header
// must contain a size of the transported file in its BODY.
// ie: |15|FILESIZE~512442
const HeaderFileSize Header = "FILESIZE" |
// Just like before, this header must be sent in a packet only by sender,
// BODY must contain a checksum of the transported file.
// ie: |74|CHECKSUM~1673f585148148d0c105af0d55646d6cbbf37e33a7366d3b72d8c5caca13434a
const HeaderChecksum Header = "CHECKSUM" |
// Sent by sender after all the information about the transfered file has been sent.
// Receiving a packet with this header means that there will be no more additional information about the
// file and the sender is waiting for response (acceptance or rejection of the file).
// ie: |13|DOYOUACCEPT?~
const HeaderAcceptance Header = "DOYOUACCEPT?" |
// Sent only by sender. The packet`s body must contain
// a portion of transported file`s bytes.
// ie: |70|FILEBYTES~fj2pgfjek;hjg02yg082qyuhg83hvuahjvlhsaoughuihgp9earhguhergh\n
const HeaderFileBytes Header = "FILEBYTES" |
// Sent only by receiver if the user has decided to not download the file.
// The BODY may or may not be empty (preferably empty, of course), in any way, it will not be
// used in any way.
// ie: |11|FILEREJECT~
const HeaderReject Header = "FILEREJECT" |
// The opposite of the previous FILEREJECT. Send by receiver when
// the user has agreed to download the file.
// ie: |11|FILEACCEPT~
const HeaderAccept Header = "FILEACCEPT" |
// DONE.
// Sent by sender. Warns the receiver that the file transfer has been done and
// there is no more information to give.
// ie: |5|DONE~
// Usually after the packet with this header has been sent, the receiver will send
// another packet back with header BYE!, telling that it`s going to disconnect
const HeaderDone Header = "DONE" |
// Sent by receiver when it hass read and processed the last
// FILEBYTES packet. The sender does not allowed to "spam" FILEBYTES
// packets without the permission of receiver.
// ie: |7|READY!~
const HeaderReady Header = "READY" |
// BYE!.
// Packet with this header can be sent both by receiver and sender.
// It`s used when the sender or the receiver are going to disconnect
// and will not be able to communicate.
// (Usually it`s when the error has happened, OR, in a good situation, after the DONE header
// has been sent by sender, warning receiver that there is no data to send)
// The BODY is better to be empty.
// ie: |5|BYE!~
const HeaderDisconnecting Header = "BYE!" |
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
// This file describes the general packet structure and provides methods to work with them before|after the transportation
// Examples of packets, ready for transportation in pseudo-code:
// []byte(|34|FILEDATA~fe2[gkr3j930f]fwpglkrt[o])
// []byte(|57|FILENAME~theBestFileNameEver_Existed_in'''theUniverse.txt)
// general structure:
// PACKETSIZEDELIMETER packetsize PACKETSIZEDELIMETER packet.Header HEADERDELIMETER packet.Body (without spaces between)
package protocol |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"fmt" |
"net" |
"strconv" |
) |
// Internal representation of packet before|after the transportation
type Packet struct { |
Header Header |
Body []byte |
} |
// Returns a size of the given packet as if it would be sent and presented in bytes.
// ie: FILESIZE~[49 49 56 55 56 53 50 49 54]
func MeasurePacketSize(packet Packet) uint64 { |
packetBytes := new(bytes.Buffer) |
packetBytes.Write([]byte(packet.Header)) |
packetBytes.Write([]byte(HEADERDELIMETER)) |
packetBytes.Write(packet.Body) |
return uint64(packetBytes.Len()) |
} |
// Converts packet bytes into Packet struct
func BytesToPacket(packetbytes []byte) Packet { |
var header Header |
var body []byte |
for counter, b := range packetbytes { |
if string(b) == HEADERDELIMETER { |
header = Header(packetbytes[0:counter]) |
body = packetbytes[counter+1:] |
break |
} |
} |
return Packet{ |
Header: header, |
Body: body, |
} |
} |
// Sends given packet to connection, following all the protocol`s rules.
// ALL packets MUST be sent by this method
func SendPacket(connection net.Conn, packetToSend Packet) error { |
packetSize := MeasurePacketSize(packetToSend) |
if packetSize > uint64(MAXPACKETSIZE) { |
return fmt.Errorf("invalid packet: HEADER: %s BODY: %s: EXCEEDED MAX PACKETSIZE", packetToSend.Header, packetToSend.Body) |
} |
// packetsize between delimeters (ie: |17|)
packetSizeBytes := []byte(strconv.Itoa(int(packetSize))) |
// creating a buffer and writing the whole packet into it
packet := new(bytes.Buffer) |
packet.Write([]byte(PACKETSIZEDELIMETER)) |
packet.Write(packetSizeBytes) |
packet.Write([]byte(PACKETSIZEDELIMETER)) |
packet.Write([]byte(packetToSend.Header)) |
packet.Write([]byte(HEADERDELIMETER)) |
packet.Write(packetToSend.Body) |
// write the result (ie: |17|FILENAME~file.png)
connection.Write(packet.Bytes()) |
// for debug purposes (ᗜˬᗜ)
// fmt.Printf("SENDING PACKET: %s%s%s%s%s%s\n",
// []byte(packetToSend.Header), []byte(HEADERDELIMETER), packetToSend.Body)
return nil |
} |
// Reads a packet from given connection.
// ASSUMING THAT THE PACKETS ARE SENT BY `SendPacket` function !!!!
func ReadFromConn(connection net.Conn) (Packet, error) { |
var err error |
var delimeterCounter int = 0 |
var packetSizeStrBuffer string = "" |
var packetSize int = 0 |
for { |
buffer := make([]byte, 1) |
connection.Read(buffer) |
if string(buffer) == PACKETSIZEDELIMETER { |
delimeterCounter++ |
// the first delimeter has been found, skipping the rest of the loop
if delimeterCounter == 1 { |
continue |
} |
} |
// the last delimeter, the next read will be the packet itself, so breaking
if delimeterCounter == 2 { |
break |
} |
packetSizeStrBuffer += string(buffer) |
} |
packetSize, err = strconv.Atoi(packetSizeStrBuffer) |
if err != nil { |
return Packet{}, fmt.Errorf("could not convert packetsizeStr into int: %s", err) |
} |
// have a packetsize, now reading the whole packet
packetBuff := make([]byte, packetSize) |
connection.Read(packetBuff) |
packet := BytesToPacket(packetBuff) |
return packet, nil |
} |
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
package protocol |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"net" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"github.com/Unbewohnte/FTU/checksum" |
) |
// a package that describes how server and client should communicate
const MAXPACKETSIZE int = 2048 // whole packet
const MAXFILEDATASIZE int = 512 // only `FileData` | MUST be less than `MAXPACKETSIZE`
const PACKETSIZEDELIMETER string = "|" |
// Headers
type Header string |
const HeaderFileData Header = "FILEDATA" |
const HeaderFileInfo Header = "FILEINFO" |
const HeaderReject Header = "FILEREJECT" |
const HeaderAccept Header = "FILEACCEPT" |
const HeaderReady Header = "READY" |
const HeaderDisconnecting Header = "BYE!" |
// Packet structure.
// A Packet without a header is an invalid packet
type Packet struct { |
Header Header `json:"Header"` |
Filename string `json:"Filename"` |
Filesize uint64 `json:"Filesize"` |
FileCheckSum checksum.CheckSum `json:"CheckSum"` |
FileData []byte `json:"Filedata"` |
} |
// converts valid packet bytes into `Packet` struct
func ReadPacketBytes(packetBytes []byte) (Packet, error) { |
var packet Packet |
err := json.Unmarshal(packetBytes, &packet) |
if err != nil { |
return Packet{}, fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal packet bytes: %s", err) |
} |
return packet, nil |
} |
// Converts `Packet` struct into []byte
func EncodePacket(packet Packet) ([]byte, error) { |
packetBytes, err := json.Marshal(packet) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not marshal packet bytes: %s", err) |
} |
return packetBytes, nil |
} |
// Measures the packet length
func MeasurePacket(packet Packet) (uint64, error) { |
packetBytes, err := EncodePacket(packet) |
if err != nil { |
return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not measure the packet: %s", err) |
} |
return uint64(len(packetBytes)), nil |
} |
// Checks if given packet is valid, returns a boolean and an explanation message
func IsValidPacket(packet Packet) (bool, string) { |
packetSize, err := MeasurePacket(packet) |
if err != nil { |
return false, "Measurement error" |
} |
if packetSize > uint64(MAXPACKETSIZE) { |
return false, "Exceeded MAXPACKETSIZE" |
} |
if len(packet.FileData) > MAXFILEDATASIZE { |
return false, "Exceeded MAXFILEDATASIZE" |
} |
if strings.TrimSpace(string(packet.Header)) == "" { |
return false, "Empty header" |
} |
return true, "" |
} |
// Sends a given packet to connection using a special sending format
// ALL packets MUST be sent by this method
func SendPacket(connection net.Conn, packet Packet) error { |
isvalid, msg := IsValidPacket(packet) |
if !isvalid { |
return fmt.Errorf("this packet is invalid !: %v; The error: %v", packet, msg) |
} |
packetSize, err := MeasurePacket(packet) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
// write packetsize between delimeters (ie: |727|{"HEADER":"PING"...})
connection.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%d%s", PACKETSIZEDELIMETER, packetSize, PACKETSIZEDELIMETER))) |
// write the packet itself
packetBytes, err := EncodePacket(packet) |
if err != nil { |
return fmt.Errorf("could not send a packet: %s", err) |
} |
connection.Write(packetBytes) |
return nil |
} |
// Reads a packet from given connection.
// ASSUMING THAT THE PACKETS ARE SENT BY `SendPacket` function !!!!
func ReadFromConn(connection net.Conn) (Packet, error) { |
var err error |
var delimeterCounter int = 0 |
var packetSizeStrBuffer string = "" |
var packetSize int = 0 |
for { |
// reading byte-by-byte
buffer := make([]byte, 1) |
connection.Read(buffer) // no fixed time limit, so no need to check for an error
// found a delimeter
if string(buffer) == PACKETSIZEDELIMETER { |
delimeterCounter++ |
// the first delimeter has been found, skipping the rest of the loop
if delimeterCounter == 1 { |
continue |
} |
} |
// found the first delimeter, skip was performed, now reading an actual packetsize
if delimeterCounter == 1 { |
// adding a character of the packet size to the `string buffer`; ie: | <- read, reading now -> 1 23|PACKET_HERE
packetSizeStrBuffer += string(buffer) |
} else if delimeterCounter == 2 { |
// found the last delimeter, thus already read the whole packetsize
// converting from string to int
packetSize, err = strconv.Atoi(packetSizeStrBuffer) |
if err != nil { |
return Packet{}, fmt.Errorf("could not convert packet size into integer: %s", err) |
} |
// packet size has been found, breaking from the loop
break |
} |
} |
// have a packetsize, now reading the whole packet
packetBuffer := make([]byte, packetSize) |
connection.Read(packetBuffer) |
packet, err := ReadPacketBytes(packetBuffer) |
if err != nil { |
return Packet{}, err |
} |
isvalid, msg := IsValidPacket(packet) |
if isvalid { |
return packet, nil |
} |
return Packet{}, fmt.Errorf("received an invalid packet. Reason: %s", msg) |
} |
Reference in new issue