# FTU (FileTransferringUtility) ## Send files through the Net ! --- ## ● What is that ? A P2P file sharing program, but overcomplicated and probably an overengineered one. ## ● Why ? Learning ## ● How does this work ? In order to transfer one file on one computer to another - they need to establish a connection. In order to establish a connection - there needs to be a 1) sender (server) (the owner of the file), waiting for connections, and a 2) receiver (client), who will try to connect to a sender (server). If the requirements are met - client will connect to server and the packet exchange will begin. The server and the client needs to communicate with packets according to certain rules, given by a [protocol](https://github.com/Unbewohnte/ftu/tree/main/protocol). The packet has its header and body. They are divided into several groups of use by headers, this way we can specify what kind of data is stored inside packet`s body and react accordingly. Thus, with a connection and a way of communication, the sender will send some packets with necessary information about the file to the receiver that describe a filename, its size and a checksum. The client (receiver) will have the choice of accepting or rejecting the packet. If rejected - the connection will be closed and the program will exit. If accepted - the file will be transferred via packets. --- ## ● Known issues|problems|lack of features|reasons why it`s bad - ~~**VERY** slow~~ - ~~**VERY**~~ expensive on resources - ~~Lack of proper error-handling~~ - ~~Lack of information about the process of transferring~~ - ~~No way to verify if the transferred file is not corrupted~~ - ~~No encryption~~ - ~~No tests~~ - ~~No interrupt signal handling~~ ## ● Good points - It works. --- ## ● Installation ### ● From release (Pre-compiled) - Proceed to [releases page](https://github.com/Unbewohnte/ftu/releases) - Choose a version/architecture you have and download an archive - Unpack an archive ### ● From source (Compile it yourself) (You need [Go](https://golang.org/dl/) and [git](https://git-scm.com/) to be installed on your machine) - `git clone https://github.com/Unbewohnte/ftu.git` - `cd` into the folder - `go build` - to simply compile for your OS/ARCHITECTURE || `CGO_ENABLED=0 go build` - to compile a static executable ### ● Final steps (optional) - `cd` into folder if you`re not there already - `chmod +x install.sh` - make installation script executable - `sudo ./install.sh` Now you have ftu installed ! --- ## ● Usage `ftu [FLAGS_HERE]` ### ● Flags `ftu --help` - to get all flags` description - `-port` (int) - specifies a working port (if sending - listens on this port, else - tries to connect to this port); - `-addr` (string) - specifies an address to connect to; - `-sharefile` (string) - specifies path to a file you want to share, if given a valid path - sender will offer to download this file to receiver; - `-downloadto` (string) - specifies path to a folder where the receiver wants to store downloaded file; ### ● Examples - `ftu -sharefile="/home/some_path_here/FILETOSHARE.zip"` - creates a server that will share `FILETOSHARE.zip` on port `8080` - `ftu -sharefile="/home/some_path_here/FILETOSHARE.zip" - port=727` - same as before, but on port `727` - `ftu -downloadto="/home/some_path_here/Downloads/" -addr=""` - creates a client (receiver) that will try to connect to `` (local device) on port `8080` and if successful - downloads a file to given path - `ftu -downloadto="/home/some_path_here/Downloads/" -addr= -port=8888` - same as before, but will try to connect to `` on port `8888` --- ## ● Testing In 'ftu' directory: - `go test ./...` - to test everything - `go test -v ./...` - to test everything, with additional information - `go test ./NAME_OF_THE_PACKAGE` - to test a certain package --- ## ● IMPORTANT NOTE This is NOT intended to be a serious application. I'm learning and this is a product of my curiosity. If you're a beginner too, please don't try to find something useful in my code, I am not an expert. Also, this utility only works if the server side has a port-forwarding|virtual server enabled and configured. Fortunatelly, locally it works without any port-forwarding|virtual servers. --- ## ● Inspired by [croc](https://github.com/schollz/croc) --- ## ● License MIT