🔷 (File Transferring Utility) Transfer files through the Net 🔷
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package receiver
import (
// Representation of a receiver
type Receiver struct {
DownloadsFolder string
Connection net.Conn
IncomingPackets chan protocol.Packet
FileToDownload *file
EncryptionKey []byte
TransferInfo *transferInfo
ReadyToReceive bool // waiting for a new packet
Stopped bool // controlls the mainloop
// Creates a new client with default fields
func NewReceiver(downloadsFolder string) *Receiver {
os.MkdirAll(downloadsFolder, os.ModePerm)
downloadsFolderInfo, err := os.Stat(downloadsFolder)
if err != nil {
if !downloadsFolderInfo.IsDir() {
panic("Downloads folder is not a directory")
incomingPacketsChan := make(chan protocol.Packet, 100)
fmt.Println("Created a new receiver")
return &Receiver{
DownloadsFolder: downloadsFolder,
Connection: nil,
IncomingPackets: incomingPacketsChan,
Stopped: false,
ReadyToReceive: false,
FileToDownload: &file{
Filename: "",
Filesize: 0,
TransferInfo: &transferInfo{
ReceivedFileBytesPackets: 0,
ApproximateNumberOfFilePackets: 0,
// When the interrupt signal is sent - exit cleanly
func (r *Receiver) HandleInterrupt() {
signalChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signalChan, os.Interrupt)
go func() {
// Closes the connection, warns the sender and exits the mainloop
func (r *Receiver) Stop() {
if r.Connection != nil {
disconnectionPacket := protocol.Packet{
Header: protocol.HeaderDisconnecting,
protocol.SendEncryptedPacket(r.Connection, disconnectionPacket, r.EncryptionKey)
r.Stopped = true
// Connects to a given address over tcp. Sets a connection to a corresponding field in receiver
func (r *Receiver) Connect(addr string) error {
fmt.Printf("Trying to connect to %s...\n", addr)
connection, err := net.Dial("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not connect to %s: %s", addr, err)
r.Connection = connection
fmt.Println("Connected to ", r.Connection.RemoteAddr())
return nil
// Prints known information about the file that is about to be transported.
// Handles the input from the user after the sender sent "DOYOUACCEPT?" packet.
// The choice of acceptance is given to the user
func (r *Receiver) HandleFileOffer() error {
// inform the user about the file
Incoming fileinfo packet:
| Filename: %s
| Filesize: %.3fMB
| Checksum: %x
| Download ? [Y/N]: `,
r.FileToDownload.Filename, float32(r.FileToDownload.Filesize)/1024/1024, r.FileToDownload.CheckSum,
// get and process the input
var input string
input = strings.TrimSpace(input)
input = strings.ToLower(input)
// reject the file
if input != "y" {
rejectionPacket := protocol.Packet{
Header: protocol.HeaderReject,
err := protocol.SendEncryptedPacket(r.Connection, rejectionPacket, r.EncryptionKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not send a rejection packet: %s", err)
return nil
// accept the file
// check if the file with the same name is present
doesExist, err := r.checkIfFileAlreadyExists()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not check if the file with the same name alredy exists: %s", err)
if doesExist {
| Looks like that there is a file with the same name in your downloads directory, do you want to overwrite it ? [Y/N]: `)
input = strings.TrimSpace(input)
input = strings.ToLower(input)
if input == "y" {
err = os.Remove(filepath.Join(r.DownloadsFolder, r.FileToDownload.Filename))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not remove the file: %s", err)
} else {
// user did not agree to overwrite, adding checksum to the name
r.FileToDownload.Filename = fmt.Sprint(time.Now().Unix()) + r.FileToDownload.Filename
acceptancePacket := protocol.Packet{
Header: protocol.HeaderAccept,
err = protocol.SendEncryptedPacket(r.Connection, acceptancePacket, r.EncryptionKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not send an acceptance packet: %s", err)
r.TransferInfo.ApproximateNumberOfFilePackets = uint64(float32(r.FileToDownload.Filesize) / float32(protocol.MAXPACKETSIZE))
return nil
// Handles the download by writing incoming bytes into the file
func (r *Receiver) WritePieceOfFile(filePacket protocol.Packet) error {
if filePacket.Header != protocol.HeaderFileBytes {
return fmt.Errorf("packet with given header should not contain filebytes !: %v", filePacket)
// open|create a file with the same name as the filepacket`s file name
file, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(r.DownloadsFolder, r.FileToDownload.Filename), os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return err
// just write the bytes
return nil
// Prints a brief information about the state of the transfer
func (r *Receiver) PrintTransferInfo(pauseDuration time.Duration) {
next := time.Now().UTC()
for {
if r.TransferInfo.ReceivedFileBytesPackets == 0 {
now := time.Now().UTC()
if !now.After(next) {
next = now.Add(pauseDuration)
| Received packets/Approximate number of packets
| (%d|%d) (%.2f%%/100%%)
`, r.TransferInfo.ReceivedFileBytesPackets,
// Listens in an endless loop; reads incoming packets, decrypts their BODY and puts into channel
func (r *Receiver) ReceivePackets() {
for {
incomingPacketBytes, err := protocol.ReadFromConn(r.Connection)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error reading a packet: %s\nExiting...", err)
incomingPacket := protocol.BytesToPacket(incomingPacketBytes)
// if this is the FIRST packet - it has HeaderEncryptionKey, so no need to decrypt
if incomingPacket.Header == protocol.HeaderEncryptionKey {
r.IncomingPackets <- incomingPacket
decryptedBody, err := encryption.Decrypt(r.EncryptionKey, incomingPacket.Body)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error decrypring incoming packet`s BODY: %s\nExiting...", err)
incomingPacket.Body = decryptedBody
r.IncomingPackets <- incomingPacket
// The "head" of the receiver. Similarly as in server`s logic "glues" everything together.
// Current structure allows the receiver to receive any type of packet
// in any order and react correspondingly
func (r *Receiver) MainLoop() {
go r.ReceivePackets()
go r.PrintTransferInfo(time.Second * 3)
for {
if r.Stopped {
if r.ReadyToReceive {
readyPacket := protocol.Packet{
Header: protocol.HeaderReady,
err := protocol.SendEncryptedPacket(r.Connection, readyPacket, r.EncryptionKey)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not send the packet: %s\nExiting...", err)
r.ReadyToReceive = false
// no incoming packets ? Skipping the packet handling part
if len(r.IncomingPackets) == 0 {
incomingPacket := <-r.IncomingPackets
// handling each packet header differently
switch incomingPacket.Header {
case protocol.HeaderEncryptionKey:
r.EncryptionKey = incomingPacket.Body
fmt.Println("Got the encryption key: ", string(incomingPacket.Body))
case protocol.HeaderFilename:
r.FileToDownload.Filename = string(incomingPacket.Body)
case protocol.HeaderFileSize:
filesize, err := strconv.Atoi(string(incomingPacket.Body))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("could not convert a filesize: %s\n", err)
r.FileToDownload.Filesize = uint64(filesize)
case protocol.HeaderChecksum:
checksum, err := checksum.BytesToChecksum(incomingPacket.Body)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("could not get file`s checksum: %s\n", err)
r.FileToDownload.CheckSum = checksum
case protocol.HeaderDone:
if r.FileToDownload.Filename != "" && r.FileToDownload.Filesize != 0 && r.FileToDownload.CheckSum != [32]byte{} {
err := r.HandleFileOffer()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not handle a file download confirmation: %s\nExiting...", err)
r.ReadyToReceive = true
} else {
fmt.Println("Not enough data about the file was sent. Exiting...")
case protocol.HeaderFileBytes:
err := r.WritePieceOfFile(incomingPacket)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not write a piece of file: %s\nExiting...", err)
r.ReadyToReceive = true
case protocol.HeaderDisconnecting:
// the sender has completed its mission,
// checking hashes and exiting
fmt.Println("Got ", r.TransferInfo.ReceivedFileBytesPackets, " file packets in total")
fmt.Println("Comparing checksums...")
file, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(r.DownloadsFolder, r.FileToDownload.Filename))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error while opening downloaded file for checking: %s\n", err)
realCheckSum, err := checksum.GetPartialCheckSum(file)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error perfoming partial checksum: %s\n", err)
fmt.Printf("\n%x ----- %x\n", r.FileToDownload.CheckSum, realCheckSum)
if !checksum.AreEqual(realCheckSum, r.FileToDownload.CheckSum) {
fmt.Println("Downloaded file is corrupted !")