conststd::stringABOUT="fumosay\ncowsay, but with soft friends\n\nWritten by Kasyanov Nikolay Alexeevich (Unbewohnte (";
conststd::stringABOUT="fumosay\ncowsay, but with soft friends\n\nWritten by Kasyanov Nikolay Alexeyevich (Unbewohnte (";
conststd::stringHELP="fumosay [OPTION(s)...] [MESSAGE]\n\nOptions:\n-v --version - print version text and exit\n-l --list - list available fumos and exit\n-h --help - print this message and exit\n-f --fumo - specify another fumo to print\n-d --directory - temporarily change fumofiles directory to look fumofiles in\n";
conststd::stringHELP="fumosay [OPTION(s)...] [MESSAGE]\n\nOptions:\n-v --version - print version text and exit\n-l --list - list available fumos and exit\n-h --help - print this message and exit\n-f --fumo - specify another fumo to print\n-d --directory - temporarily change fumofiles directory to look fumofiles in\n";