# ID3ED (ID3 - Encoder - Decoder) ## Library for encoding/decoding ID3 tags # Installation ``` go get github.com/Unbewohnte/id3ed ``` # Usage ``` package main import( "fmt" "github.com/Unbewohnte/id3ed" ) func main() { mp3file, err := os.Open("/path/to/mp3/myMP3.mp3") if err != nil { panic(err) } // extract ID3v1.1 tags mp3tags, err := GetID3v11Tags(mp3file) if err != nil { panic(err) } // print all tags fmt.Printf("%+v",mp3tags) // get a certain tag from "getter" function songname := mp3tags.GetSongName() // get a certain tag from struct field genre := mp3tags.Genre // etc. } ``` # Testing ``` go test ``` or ``` go test -v ``` to get a verbose output # Under construction ! ## Bugs are a possibility rn in this state, the package is still not tested properly