⬥ ID3 encoding/decoding library in Go ⬥
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

63 lines
1.5 KiB

package util
import (
// got the logic from: https://github.com/bogem/id3v2 , thank you very much.
const first7BitsMask = uint32(254 << 24) // shifting 11111110 to the end of uint32
// Converts given bytes into integer
func BytesToInt(gBytes []byte) uint32 {
var integer uint32 = 0
for _, b := range gBytes {
integer = integer << 8
integer = integer | uint32(b)
return integer
// Simply converts given uint32 into synch unsafe bytes
func IntToBytes(gInt uint32) []byte {
buff := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buff, gInt)
return buff
// Decodes given integer bytes into integer, ignores the first bit
// of every given byte in binary form
func BytesToIntSynchsafe(gBytes []byte) uint32 {
var integer uint32 = 0
for _, b := range gBytes {
integer = integer << 7
integer = integer | uint32(b)
return integer
// The exact opposite of what `BytesToIntSynchsafe` does
// Finally understood with the help of: https://github.com/bogem/id3v2/blob/master/size.go ,
// thank you very much !
func IntToBytesSynchsafe(gInt uint32) []byte {
var synchsafeIBytes []byte
// skip 4 0`ed bits
gInt = gInt << 4
// int32 == 4 bytes
for i := 0; i < 32/8; i++ {
// get first 7 bits
first7Bits := gInt & first7BitsMask
// shift captured bits to the beginning
first7Bits = first7Bits >> (3*8 + 1)
b := byte(first7Bits)
synchsafeIBytes = append(synchsafeIBytes, b)
// prepare next 7 bits for the next iteration
gInt = gInt << 7
return synchsafeIBytes