import pygame import pygame_menu import sys from settings import windowX,windowY, DEBUG, window_caption,logo,gamefont, FPS from bullets import Bullet from beings import * from surfaces import SlowTimeSurf, BuffRandomSurf from particles import * pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption(window_caption) window = pygame.display.set_mode((windowX,windowY)) pygame.display.set_icon(logo) font = pygame.font.Font(gamefont, 46) ################################################################ def play(): if DEBUG == True: from bullets import player_bullets_on_screen,enemy_bul_on_screen clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) slowsurf = SlowTimeSurf(384,64) randsurf = BuffRandomSurf(540,64) enemy = Enemy(100,100) enemy2 = Enemy(windowX,200) enemies_on_screen.append(enemy) enemies_on_screen.append(enemy2) print(enemies_on_screen) player = Player() death_timer = 1.5 #in seconds death_timer_calculation = (death_timer/FPS)/death_timer SCORE = 0 ########################## LAYER 0 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit(),sys.exit() break window.fill((41, 64, 59)) pygame.draw.rect(window,(0,0,0),(0,720,windowX,5)) if DEBUG == True: for row in range(0,windowX,32): pygame.draw.rect(window,(184, 227, 179, 1),(row,0,2,windowY)) for column in range(0,windowY,64): pygame.draw.rect(window,(184, 227, 179),(0,column,windowX,2)) #print('power_of_random: ',player.power_of_random) print('bullets_on_screen: ', str(len(player_bullets_on_screen + enemy_bul_on_screen))) ########################## LAYER 0 END ########################## LAYER 1 if slowsurf.switch == True: if slowsurf.collide(player.player_rect): print("") slowsurf.switch = False else: #for enemy in enemies_on_screen: #Doesn`t work and I don`t know why slowsurf.activate(enemy) slowsurf.activate(enemy2) if randsurf.switch == True: if randsurf.collide(player.player_rect): print('') randsurf.switch = False else: randsurf.activate(window,player) player.teleportation() player.shoot(window) player.draw(window) player.update() player.collision(window) if player.out_of_area(): death_timer -= death_timer_calculation timertext_color = (255-death_timer*150,170*death_timer,10) text = font.render(str(round(death_timer,2)), True, timertext_color) window.blit(text,(windowX//2,windowY//2 - 100)) if death_timer < 0.1: print('DED') if DEBUG == True: print('TOTAL {}'.format(time.time()-start)) break else: if DEBUG == True: start = time.time() death_timer = 1.5 ########################## LAYER 1 END ########################## LAYER 2 if enemy.alive == True: enemy.draw(window) enemy.move('right') enemy.enemy_shoot(window) enemy.collision(window) if enemy.enemy_x >= windowX-10: #That returning thingy enemy.enemy_x = 5 if enemy2.alive == True: enemy2.draw(window) enemy2.enemy_shoot(window) enemy2.move('left') enemy2.collision(window) if enemy2.enemy_x <= 5: #That returning thingy enemy2.enemy_x = windowX if enemy.out_of_area() and enemy.alive == True or enemy.enemy_y + enemy.en_height >= 720 and enemy.alive == True: enemy.alive = False SCORE += 1 if enemy2.out_of_area() and enemy2.alive == True or enemy2.enemy_y + enemy2.en_height >= 720 and enemy2.alive == True: enemy2.alive = False SCORE += 1 if enemy.alive == False and enemy2.alive == False: print('Win-win') break ########################## LAYER 2 END ########################## LAYER 3 score_font = font.render(str(SCORE), True, (114, 150, 47)) window.blit(score_font,(100,100)) ########################## LAYER 3 END clock.tick(FPS) pygame.display.update() pass ################################################################## def quit(): sys.exit() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit(),sys.exit() break menu = pygame_menu.Menu(windowX,windowY,'Healthless',theme = pygame_menu.themes.THEME_BLUE) menu.add_button('Play', play) menu.add_button('Quit', quit) menu.mainloop(window)