import vk_api,os,random, datetime from vk_api import VkUpload from time import sleep def has_image_extention(filename): filename = filename.lower() image_extentions = ["jpg","png","bmp","jpeg"] for image_extention in image_extentions: if image_extention in filename: return True return False def sendImages(img_dir = ".", ID = 0, IS_GROUP_CHAT = False, TOKEN = ""): vk = vk_api.VkApi(token = TOKEN).get_api() files = os.listdir(img_dir) files.sort() counter = 1 for filename in files: if has_image_extention(filename) == False: # file is probably not an image, so skipping continue # full path to the image path_to_image = img_dir + filename # upload via API upload = VkUpload(vk) upload_img = upload.photo_messages(photos = path_to_image)[0] # each message will contain "Counter : {number_of_}" MESSAGE = "▶ Counter ┃{}┃ The next appr. at ~ ┃{}┃ ◀".format(counter, + datetime.timedelta(seconds=4)) # sending print("• {}: Sending {}...".format(counter,filename)) if IS_GROUP_CHAT == False: try: vk.messages.send(user_id = ID ,message=MESSAGE, attachment = 'photo{}_{}'.format(upload_img['owner_id'],upload_img['id']), random_id = 0) except Exception as e: print(e) break elif IS_GROUP_CHAT == True: try: vk.messages.send(chat_id = ID, message=MESSAGE, attachment='photo{}_{}'.format(upload_img['owner_id'],upload_img['id']), random_id = 0) except Exception as e: print(e) break counter += 1 # giving a bit of a rest to VK sleep(random.uniform(3.0,4.0)) pass if __name__ == '__main__': images = '' token = '' id = 0 sendImages(img_dir = images, ID = id, IS_GROUP_CHAT = False, TOKEN = token) pass