# UnicodeCharsGenerator ## Ever seen some of these weird looking Unicode characters on the Internet ? Time to find more ) # Usage ## There are 2 flags to specify - `-inline` and `-limit` `-inline` flag takes an integer. If not negative - each line in the output file will contain specified number of characters `-limit` flag takes an integer. If not negative - the output file will contain all Unicode characters up to specified one ## Examples ### `-inline` 1. `./UnicodeCharsGenerator -inline=20` - the generated output file will **try** to contain 20 characters in one line 2. `./UnicodeCharsGenerator -inline=-1` - all characters will be put in one line 3. `./UnicodeCharsGenerator` - as in 2., all characters will be put in one line ### `-limit` 1. `./UnicodeCharsGenerator -limit=20000` - the generated output file will contain all Unicode characters up to 20000 one 2. `./UnicodeCharsGenerator -limit=-727` - the limit is ignored and you will get **all 10FFFF** Unicode characters ### general 1. `./UnicodeCharsGenerator` - all Unicode characters, all in one line 2. `./UnicodeCharsGenerator -limit=900 -inline=5` - 900 first characters, only 5 characters on one line